Friday, January 27, 2012

So You Want To Be An Iron Man...

Let's get started, then.

Go here:

Robo has probably the BEST collection of pdf files for the Iron man armor I've seen... there MAY be better out there... but it's nowhere NEAR as accessible (it involves a downloadable Windows-only program called 'Pepakura', a small fee (if I recall correctly) and a certain talent for reshaping 3D images...
... why re-invent the wheel, I say?

Give props to Robo (I'll be tossing him a donation in appreciation very shortly) and set to work!

What you will need for this stage of the game:
- A cutting knife (something small, hand-held, exacto-style... with the capacity to replace blades... as you will go through a fair number of them)... if you don't have one... they average around $10
- Replacement blades... assume you will go through a half-dozen packages at least (5 or 6 I think per package)... around $5 per package... so $30
- PAPER! Cardstock... and the fine balance is between the weight of the paper and the capacity for your printer to suffer through printing on it... I have a pretty tough printer, and most printers (really) can handle 110lb cardstock... but be prepared to (yes) hand-feed the paper through the printer ONE SHEET AT A TIME.
Assume 350 pages... so two packages (at 250 pages each) SHOULD be enough to finish the job... but never assume... at any rate... each package will run you around $20... so $40 for the paper
- A cutting surface... your significant other/parent/partner/roommates will NOT appreciate you slicing the heck out of the countertop... so head to an art supply store and pick up a small one (8x12 or so) for about $10 give or take.

And... you would not be remiss if you had some sort of multi-slot file-folder thing to store all the printed pages as you print them; you can separate each into the bodyparts (and not mix them up) and you can keep your work area relatively neat and organized.
Trust me... this will save you a boatload of time later on.

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