Yeah... I'm not gonna lie to you.
If you Google 'Iron Man costume', you will invariably be taken to a page or three wherein the costumer is wearing a pretty damned spiffy-looking replica suit... and the comments read like a bunch of grasping desperate panhandlers: "ZOMG Awesome! Can u make one adn send it 2 me?", etc.
This is a project not to be undertaken without full knowledge of what it is you are getting into.
We're talking hundreds upon hundreds of hours of stuff to do... spread over a fair chunk of time.
As an example, I consider my lifestyle 'moderately' busy... I have a number of things that eat away a good deal of my free time (family obligations, homework, full-time University, part-time Massage Therapist practice, plus the invariable commutes between all those places) but I estimate that I can probably squeeze an hour or two per evening where I am otherwise doing nothing (aka 'watching television')
If this is you, read on.
I started this project on December 16th, 2011.
It is now January 27th, 2012... I haven't yet finished the paper cutting... I gotta tell ya... it's mind-numbing... you need a LOT of patience for it... conservatively, cutting all the little pieces out of each page, then contact cementing them together at their respective tabs... I'd estimate around 30-45 minutes PER PAGE. Closer to 45 if you include the time I spent in Adobe Illustrator re-sizing the pages to fit my physique.
How many pages?
Around 350 after all is said and done... allowing for errors, re-sizing and print errors, mistakes and 're-do's... I 're-did' the left bicep piece three times before I finally settled on the size that fit the most accurately.
Which for me was 105% of the adjusted template.
Add to this the resining - which is smelly, fussy, sticky and generally unpleasant... but goes a lot faster... then the fiberglassing (even more messy and sticky when you add fiberglass tendrils that stick out everywhere)...
... I haven't even STARTED the autobody filler stage. =/
It's a labour of love... but it's been a LOT of labour so far.
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