Tuesday, January 31, 2012

Quickie Progress Update!

So I heeded the advice of those most-sage-of-prop-makers over at the RPF... and have been second-coating the outsides of all the pieces I have resin coated already... and of the pieces I have actually dremeled the inside of... I applied a second coat of fiberglass plus resin.
By the gods fiberglass soaks that stuff up. The chest alone takes at least a half can of resin. =/
Ah well.
The good thing about a double external coat of resin is that I can sand the edges down... which apparently makes Bondo application go THAT much smoother... (hyuk hyuk seewhatididthere?)
We shall see.

Reading more about bondo, it looks like it's a thin THIN layer is applied, then sanded... rinse-repeat a few times until you get the angle and smoothness you want... also the 'detail lines' will go on after a full layer of Bondo... I have a few ideas for them, too... some contact cement and small wires in the right places just might save me having to draw them in and sanding them out with a grit-covered popsicle stick.

Pieces ready to Bondo:
left bicep
left arm
left forearm

Pieces requiring internal grinding (and subsequent second internal fiberglass layer):
- back*
- left thigh
- left shin
- right arm
- right forearm
- ribs*
- lower back plates*
- abdominals*
- shoulders (internal and external, both sides)*
- neck

*These also need heat-forming and attachment to each other

Pieces requiring resin (or a second coat):
- left fingers (I don't think I'll be fiberglassing these... they're too small and dainty... two layers of resin should do them before I Bondo them)
- spine segments
- foot plates
- hand guards
- helmet
- elbows (both)
- codpiece
- right thigh
- hip pods

Pieces left to cut:
- MkIV chest (will be adapting it to look like the MkVII)
- torso brace
- right bicep
- right hand (palm and fingers)
- left hand (palm)
- right shin
- both boots (well one boot and a heel, technically... but I'm going to be futzing around with the articulating disc on the side of the boots... so don't be surprised if I have to do these twice more rather than once...)

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