Friday, November 2, 2012

From The Ground Up! Stage I: Feet

I'm starting with the feet!
Seriously. I've put everything aside and am working on the boots.

Not my boot... just a space-filler pic
until i can take a better pic of mine.
Anyone got like a week's worth of spare-time
they can lend me so I can get something
appreciable done on this?  LOL
I have decided to see if I can take the malleable properties of the aluminum and minimize the number of seams that I have by using pop rivets in specific places and bending the aluminum to fit each piece
If it works, I will have a metallic look to the armor with minimal sharp-edge seam exposure...
(and yes L-EF, I will be grinding the edges to smooth the metal out LOL)

It works in theory, anyway...

As an aside, does anyone have any idea how to get VirtualBox (running Windows 7) to recognize a printer with a 'base' of iOS 10.7?
I have the printer driver all installed, the printer works fine when printing from iOS (naturally) and it apparently sends the signal OUT when sending it from VirtualBox/Windows7... the printer is being recognized and everything...  but apparently there's something not connecting the signal to the printer... might it be a networking issue?
Do I need to open permissions for the printer on the iOS side of things?