Friday, September 21, 2012


Quick update... 

I not only finished the thighs (and spent a day or so hammering through the shins) but got the first (of three) layers of the 'sealant' white glue layers onto them.

Layer #2 happens this afternoon, layer #3 probably on Sunday.

I've finished cutting/pasting probably 50% worth on the boots... still haven't figured out where some of the pieces go... but that was a thing from even BEFORE I started with the foam.

So all that's really left to do is the back (and the thruster flaps) and the gloves.
Still haven't gotten to the urethane, truth be told... I shall bite the proverbial bullet and do a small sample today. Probably the hip pods and hand plates... as they are fast and easy to replace if I wreck them. =)

"Uh, yo well, uh, maybe I'll fight Apollo, uh, maybe I won't, you know?"

Also... my elbow/knee and hip joints?I have an idea... instead of using pop rivets and sheet metal, I'm going to try cutting the pieces out of thinner foam and 'plastic-ing' them like I am the rest of the armor... then assembling them (layered like before) with an elastic strap instead of pop rivets. Theoretically the pieces/layers should be connected to each other and move as units, one atop the other... so 'hot glue + strap' should be no less effective than 'drilled hole + pop rivet'. The trick, i think would be to cut them layer by layer... an easier task, I'm wagering, if I don't have to calculate extra length due to edge-folding and stabilization due to material and rivet strength.

I just wish I had figured this stuff out BEFORE making all the mistakes. /sigh
Ah well...

"I fight so you don't have to fight." ~ Rocky Balboa (Sylvester Stallone) "Rocky IV"

P.S. Don't ask why I'm quoting Rocky. I don't know. It's just THAT kind of day.

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