Friday, May 11, 2012

I'm Now "Ditching the Shiny Rims"

This represents probably 10 hours of my time, I'd estimate... between cutting all the little pieces and gluing them together... three pieces of the hand on the right, two on the left and two (right) thumb pieces... yeah... 10 hours or so is about accurate.

But LOOK at the DETAIL!
(Admittedly, these hands are much more detailed than some of the larger (for example the arms or chest) pieces... I'll be at this for a bit of a while longer, but the 'fine painstaking detail' part sort of ends with the larger pieces, purely on the grounds that the individually cut pieces are SO much larger.)

See... I've come to a bit of an impasse... the resin jobs I was doing had to be re-done... and the Bondo wasn't applied with any skill to begin with... I was spending just as much time fixing my errors than I was moving forward.

So I made an executive decision.
What helped was A's brother (J) coming to stay for a while to take some summer courses at the university... he lent me the use of his PC laptop... and I downloaded Pepakura....
... and the Mk VII pattern.

Recently (semi-recently) a guy calling himself DarkSide501st uploaded the pattern for the Mk VII suit and let the Replica Prop Forums know!

Those hands? They were created by another guy calling himself Zabana.

Yeah... I'll be doing things a bit differently this time around... and spending a lot more time 'pre-planning' and making sure I have figured everything out detail-wise BEFORE I plunge into the next step. My workshop is full of half-assed Pepped, resined and Bondo'd attempts... and I may even go so far as to complete each piece (or set) before I move on to the next one.
That part I dunno about, but I'll be sure to keep you posted. =)

Thank you to Robo3687... his were the Mk VI (triangle) chest files that had been saved as pdfs and made my initial foray into the armoring cosplay possible.
Worry not, I may yet go back and build the Mk VI... I haven't completely back-burnered the idea... but there is a plan in the works to get me to Seattle in late August for PAX (Prime).

I WILL have the armor done by then.

... starting with the hands. =)