Friday, October 5, 2012

Metallic... uh...

Yeah... in adding to the laundry list of 'Things I should Have Thought About Before I did Them..." 
... I now have six sheets of 2' x 4' 1/16" thick aluminum.

"WHY?" you ask?

As I said... it's Toronto Iron Man's fault. (Curse you, Robertoooooo!!!!)

(j/k... Roberto's a kick-ass guy. Props to him for the idea!)

This is him:

See... he cut the Mk VI out of foam (via the pattern - the same one I was using before I started the Mk VII) and then turned around and cut the same pieces AGAIN out of sheet metal... and hot glued them to the foam.

It WAS working... kinda... then I ran into a few snags... namely the little pieces, the unwieldy-ness of the cutting of the aluminum and the pointy edges.
I'd rather not snag someone else just brushing past them. =(

So - for now - I will be resuming my foam + white glue + polyurethane process... and I'll likely re-examine the metal process after Hallowe'en.

To that end, though... I've taken to pouring miniscule (like capful-sized) amounts of 'Part A' and 'Part B' of the polyurethane and mixing them, pouring them in small dollops onto the armor pieces... then smearing them around with my fingers (in rubber kitchen gloves).
Seems to be working... the urethane spreads thinly enough so as to not drip all over the place, gets spread evenly and is spread soon enough within the urethane's pot-life of three minutes that I can get it all ON before it starts congealing.

Sometimes over-thinking is actually not the best thing to do.  =)

Stay tuned!

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